Monday, May 25, 2015

I Can’t Do It All-Neither Can You

 My midwife after baby number 2, sent me out the door nonchalantly saying, “Have little expectations of yourself, Kirsi.”  I didn’t know it then how much those 6 words would impact me for years to come.  Sometimes, well often, okay everyday (I am a first born-A Type-List Making Momma) I expect myself, to rise before my family, have breakfast made, lunches packed, get out the door on time, go grocery shopping, drop by the post office, run by the health food store, pit stop at the park for the kids, drop off a meal for a friend, have a warm homemade meal on the table by 5:30 PM for my family, do a craft, read some books, tidy up the house, straighten the kitchen, tend to the garden, play fetch with the dog (more like chase the dog), tuck the kids into bed, workout, spend time with The Mister, complete my bible study, write, and make time to create a Summer Bingo Board for the kids (see attached!)

  Friends, I can’t do it all-neither can you and it's okay!  Something has to give.  And sometimes I need to have “little expectations for myself.”  I spent much of my “extra” time (you know that 30 minute window give or take after all kids are in bed and before I crash! ) creating a Summer Bingo Board for my girls to use.  It may work great or it may be a complete and udder failure ending up in the trial and error section of life. We aren’t called to be amazing at every single thing we do; in fact the Lord is amazed at us even in our nothings!  I will relish in that fact.  As summer approaches I encourage you not to be discouraged when the long list grows longer.  Listen to God’s sweet elbow nudges (or maybe sharp nudge) on who, what, where, and how to spend your time.  Just like writing a good story, we get the opportunity each day to write our own.  Even better is when we invite the Spirit to help us write our daily stories. 

 The Lord had to knock on my door twice this week in regards to the verse He wanted me to share.   A dear friend texted me a bible verse that I had saved on my phone’s home screen two days prior. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM.”  II Corinthians 3:17 CRAZY!!! No, not really when Jesus is involved.  The verse obviously spoke to me the first time I read it but the way she actually applied it to my own life made the already living word come more alive. My dear friend sent this text praying out FREEDOM’S over me: “Freedom from Strep Throat (I was sick this week and to admit I was sick brings much guilt b/c I feel as though I can control all things healthy), Freedom from actually taking an antibiotic (makes me feel like I am kicked out of the “all” natural club), Freedom from the countless rules I make up for myself (and that list is way too long to share!)”  I continue to limit myself from purely dancing in the Spirit, missing out on a promised FREEDOM filled abundant LIFE!
 In order for me to find true FREEDOM in the Lord I will be working on not making rules for myself about everything. Period!  My goal making skills can easily turn into rigid rules that I put on myself (or my children) not allowing God to work in me and through me as often. I hope to experience peace in the things we do each day.  This goes for the BINGO boards as well.  I hope they are merely an encouragement to me and my girls.  I hope they allow the Lord to lead us each day to dance His FREEDOMS. I may be victorious in some categories BUT I also fall short in others.  Joel Osteen mentions in one of his sermons that those places we fall short in are also the places we grow in Jesus more.   

Living Biblical Advice:

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM.”  II Corinthians 3:17

Weekly Prayer: 

Holy Spirit, please give me discernment this SUMMER with the minutes in each day.  Please show me where I try to control things.  Help me find freedom in you.   Amen

Real Life Application Challenge:

 What are the things that bring peace and contentment into your life?  Focus on those things you are doing that speak to you, they are little pieces of the Holy Spirit guiding you to a place of  purpose.  Give the rest to God, find your FREEDOM.  

  Summer Break is here ya’ll, so while you are working on finding freedom from your “things” I will be also!  You are not alone, I promise.   I know the Lord will show me many things to write about and if I am lucky enough He will give me time to write them down and publish them.  I make no promises!  I whole-heartedly will be working on implementing II Corinthians 3:17 into my life.  When summer comes to an end, I want to look back with confidence knowing I gave it my all, inviting the Spirit of the Lord into my life every second of everyday in order to find the FREEDOM he has set for me and my family.  May your summer be Spirit filled!

Be Brave,


*Here is a link to the Summer Bingo Boards: Summer Jobs w/ Pictures(almost 4 year old,) Summer Jobs No Pictures(almost 8 Year old), Summer Bingo Board-Activities w/ Pictures (almost 4 year old), Summer Bingo Board-Activities w/out Pictures (almost 8 Year old). It will laminated front to back and the girls will use expo markers to mark off a task or activity when completed. Carnival tickets will be used for the reward system(still brain storming).  A completed board gets one ticket, therefore they have the opportunity to get two tickets per day. The tickets can be redeemed for certain things, like a trip to the $1 section at target, Movies, Water Park, Snow Cone, etc. The Contributions (not limited) section refers to a list of  jobs they can choose from that will contribute to the house in general.  The whole thing may need some tweaking as we get into the middle of it.   If all else fails I am sure Pinterest has an idea as to how I can use ALL those carnival tickets-we scratch the whole thing and start over!  The pictures are from clipart on Google.  Feel free to make changes and make it work for your family. The attached are all a work in progress.

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