Monday, March 9, 2015

12 Minute Athlete

                                                    12 Minute Athlete

 Workingout for me looks kind of like a novel, some chapters lengthier than others.  I have dabbled in running since Jr. High and I can always find my stride no matter the weeks-months-or years that pass (very slow stride-but a stride,) I have done Bikram Yoga ("Healthy Spine Healthy Life,") taken countless classes from gyms and my all time favorite is Camp Gladiator. 

  The chapter I am in right now looks a little bit different.  You see, we moved out into the country and the gym we signed up with takes me 30 plus minutes to get to-an hour to do the workout-and 30 plus minutes to get back home. That time doesn’t include the kid who needs to go potty and the other one who already went potty in their pants! The Lord kept tugging on my heart reminding me although I enjoy the gym it wasn’t where my time was best spent.  He did NOT say STOP working out altogether, he was just telling me to figure out a different way.

  And so I did, I came across an APP on the I-tunes store called 12 Minute Athlete by Krista Stryker
Krista Stryker creator of 12 Minute Athlete
  It is a practical APP, very easy to follow.  It is a HIIT workout, “a
training technique in which you give all-out, 100% effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods. This type of training gets and keeps your heart rate up and burns more fat in less time.”  Due to the crazy Texas winter the past few weeks we have been stuck on the inside (Save Me!)
Our 3 COLD Texas Beauties on dad's homemade sled pulled by his tractor
Our 48 hour Winter Wonderland!

It does however prove that this APP really works inside or out.  My girls have worked out with me some and are watching their mom make it a priority to get her heart rate up no matter what! (Heart Disease is the #1 Killer for women.)  When it is nice outside I like to use the 12 Minute Athlete APP after I have ran to our gate and back a handful of times or in between sprints or just by itself.  It can be done in the backyard while your kids are playing during the week or weekends; it is like a puzzle piece that can easily find a way to fit into you daily plans.  
Quick jog plus the 16 minute workout right before lunch
(picture credit my 3 year old)

 The 12 Minute Athlete APP has a 12 & 16-minute workout, as well as a challenge section.  You pick from using your own body weight only to using a variety of different tools; box, dip bar, jump rope, kettle bell, medicine ball, pull-up bar and sandbag.  You can get creative, using canned goods, a sturdy chair, bag of dirty laundry, a pretend jump rope or find things on craigslist, it does not have to be fancy or new equipment.   It’s designed very well and even has videos for every single workout if you are unsure how to perform them. The image below is what the APP looks like on your phone:  
Actual view of APP.

 If you already workout or are new to the whole thing, this 12 Minute Athlete APP is convenient and purposeful.  12 Minutes is better than no minutes!  I spent $2.99 on the APP and it is worth every penny.  You can do it while dinner is warming up, or do the challenge workout during a 20-30 minute show, right before bed, do it WITH your kids everyday, while they are napping and still get the dishes unloaded or even in your office before your next meeting-a little sweat never hurt anyone. 

  I really like this APP, it takes no preparation and somebody is telling me what to do for 12-20 minutes-you can always do two workouts doubling your workout time.  I am sore often and sweat every time.  I am a regular sometimes AWESOME mom, try my best to be a SEXY wife/help-mate, your girl next door kind of friend.  I do not possess magical workingout powers, I do rely on the Lord to stay motivated and remind myself often why I am working out.  In the past I may have been soley motivated by trying to be something I saw on a magazine but that will always end in despair.  We are called to take care of our bodies, we are given one, only one and it needs to stay active to stay healthy!   If 2015 is a big year for you and your health, download the APP 12 Minute Athlete, it will not disappoint! 


Kirsi Ingram

Krysta Stryker, is the creator of the 12 Minute Athlete APP, her website has more opportunities and LOTS of great information,!  Disclaimer:  I do not know her and have never met her, she did respond quickly to an e-mail I sent her about doing this blog post, seems very nice.  If you sign up for the APP by clicking the txt links in blue, I will get a few cents for my efforts. Also, I am not a trainer, may you have a safe and healthy workout at your own risk, this is a suggestion of a style of workout that I am really enjoying. 

Some Information found @:

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