Monday, March 2, 2015

The Purse Perspective

The Purse Perspective
Stages of Life

  We can look inside each other’s purses and probably guess what stage of life the other is dancing in. I thought of this last week, while cleaning out my own purse and this is what I found:  Used unsoiled Doc McStuffin’s pull-up, sun glasses and case (not together), hair bows (4), 1 head band, 2 pacifiers, 3 socks (no matches), marble, quarter, leaf, drawing, check book, address book, tampons, 5 different kinds of lips gloss, 3 church bulletins (indicating my purse has not been cleaned out for at least 3 weeks), 3 pieces of scratch paper with notes, 2 water bottles, grocery list notebook (2nd most important book next to my bible), Ziploc with baby snacks (not zipped), pair of broken earrings, 4 receipts, uncharged camera, keys, peppermint and on guard essential oil, 5 small kid toys, wallet, owl pouch, 6 pieces of trash, notecard with info, ¼ of gluten free cereal bar (unwrapped), 2 nut bars, 7 pens, 1 pencil, pocket calendar, hair rubber band, mints (2)

 The teen purse has less “stuff,” it is filled with basic needs.  It sits waiting to be filled with new unforeseen memories!  The 20’s purse has more of a professional look on the inside; it encompasses the current career, dreams and many transitional changes from college to the working world, becoming a wife and even mother.   A 30’s purse prepares for the unplanned moments in a day; it could pass as an overnight bag most weeks.  A 30’s purse could house the family for a few days with all needs being met! As the 40’s near there is a bit of mid-life perspective that begins to happen, usually the children in the house are getting older and the purse starts to calm down a little not needing as many things in it to function. The 50’s and 60’s purse may find a little bit of this and that, as retirement approaches, and new adventures surface once again, she begins to see her story and knowledge has much purpose.  When the 70’s and 80’s ladies are out and about their purse is filled once again with the basics, only housing what exactly is needed.  They don’t need so many “things” weighing them down anymore.  As simple as the connection may seem, our purses really can show, a section, a moment of time, a season perhaps, in which we are traveling.  Some purses maybe over-flowing, while others want to be filled and some content with its simplicity.    
  Although, the contents may differ on the inside, we must remember we are all women, designed for a purpose and respect each person in that stage.  My, Proverbs 27:7 friend (As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend) sent me a text this week from Romans 14:4 “Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another?  It is before His own master that he stands or falls.”  Feeling very convicted it reminded me at how I too fall short everyday comparing myself to another woman. In Psalm 100:5 it reminds us, “For the LORD is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.” Christ loves each generation (of women) unconditionally, and that is what we are called to do for each other.  We are called to love ungrudgingly and to willingly serve one another. Age and stage of life should not hinder us from serving each other.  We are to encourage each other in all things, give wisdom when asked, support when needed.  Sometimes we may need to add something to a friends purse, while at other times we may need to step up and help her clean it out.  Either way we can all agree that we all have “stuff” in our purses. 
  Next time you are walking through the grocery store and happen to glance at a woman’s purse, imagine what she may be carrying. Her purse may be filled with bricks, it may be heavy right now and she may need a smile or a nod, even a kind word.  Or if you are the lady in the grocery store with a “light” purse then spread the joy, its contagious and we all need it.  ALL of us have a purse, all filled with our own life “things,” we don’t need to add negativity or take away joy from each other.  We need to build each other up and support one another.  It says in, Hebrew 10: 24-25, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
Practical ideas to carrying someone else’s purse:  Comment to the teen-ager when she is showing respect or dressing like a lady, babysit for a family with children just because and don’t take no for an answer, listen when a seasoned woman is talking-look her in the eyes-touch her hand and take it all in, if you see a table of ladies and have the means, pay for their meal, drop a note in the mail for any woman of any age, make a meal and drop it off (don’t ask if you can only ask which day would be best,) all women like to be told they are beautiful even by another woman, text a friend or family member for no other reason than to encourage them that day, this list is endless and can be added to over and over again.

I know I won’t have the privilege of carrying a used unsoiled Doc McStuffins pull-up around forever.  I will choose to be thankful for something’s in my purse and other items I may need to let go.  Mostly, I will look past my own purse and focus on other’s!

For the Fun of it…Actual Women’s Purses:

TEEN- The No Fuss Purse
A water bottle, a pack of tissues, Sunglasses, My wallet, a pen and a pencil, gum,
A mirror, Hand sanitizer, A pad of sticky notes, A couple of coins, Some bobby, pins and hair ties, The little Wisp toothbrush things, And a couple different kinds of lip balm

20’s- The Professional Purse
Let's see, being an interior designer I have some nontraditional things:
-Small tape measure-4 colored pens, 2 black pens, and 1 pencil- Pencil lead refills
-Lip-gloss compact set- Business card holder- In a small pouch: my inhaler, hand cream, my current allergy medicine, post-its, lip gloss, Dayquil, cough drops, chap stick, bra holder thing (that deal that pulls the straps together at the back), hair pins, screen wipe, screen wipe-In another small pouch: gift cards/ store cards (like the points cards for grocery stores and such)- a small planner (from target of course)- a coach wristlet that has my ID and credit cards in it, along with some cash, a pen and a hairpin...when I want to just grab a portion of my purse I pull this it's sort of a purse within a purse! One of those re-usable bags those folds up into a flat square- a small gridded notebook

30’s- The Mommapalooza Purse
Paper spiral calendar, church bulletin, birthday discount card from anthropology, box of raisins, two packs of gum, Starbucks napkins, kid toy from dentist's office, Nutragrain bar, eye drops, used kid sticker, four pens, five rubber bands, five tubes of chap stick/lip gloss, six receipts, two grocery lists, appointment reminder card, gift card, two claim stickers to pick up kids at church, eye drops, two bottles of nail polish and pliers (used for a crafting day at MOPS) also 3 tinker toys and hand sanitizer

40’s- Bringing it Back to Basics Purse
Wallet, purse holder that hooks onto table, lotion, visine, hair brush, mints, gum, headphones, business card holder, glasses, notepad, Kleenex, pencil, bead bracelet, face wipes, protein bar, protein drink sleeve, diva dollar coupons, vitamins, lipsticks. My bracelet.

50’s- The You Never Know Purse
Money, NARS lip gloss, doTerra lip balm, billfold, pen, Kleenex, Cliff Bar, comb, peppermint beadlets, InTune, Advil, Hoo Hoos (look these up yourself!), coupon to GAP, business cards and calendar

60’s The This and That Purse
Wallet full of everything but money! makeup bag full of lipstick, tooth picker, and  mirror; pen flashlight (that doesn't work),   Kleenex, phone charger and ear buds, tape measure, asthma inhaler, balance roll on, 2 pens, mints, a thing that measures steps, hand sanitizer, gloves, ear muff, 2 sets of keys, (personal and work), sun glasses, work badge, mini all purpose utility knife, mini highlighter, dental reminder card, several smarties, Ricola cough drops, 1 packet of chick-fil-a mayo

70-80’s Basic Betty is Back Purse
Billfold, lipstick, Kleenex, check book, pen, notebook, sanitizer and floss



1 comment:

  1. Love the list and your article!! It has inspired me to clean out mine!!!
