Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Body Image & Marriage

Rewind the tape about 11 years and push play. 

Scene One: the Bathroom Mirror and Me
Audience: My Husband
When: All the time
“Ugh, I feel so gross, I wish I could just get rid of this stuff on my thighs.  You know it’s hereditary? (As if he were going to answer that question!) And my stomach, I wish it were just more flat!  Ugh, I have no boobs, so my clothes NEVER fit correctly.”

Scene Two: Dinner
Audience:  My Husband
When:  All Week Long
“I wish I hadn’t eaten that much, I feel so sluggish. I need to unbutton my pants.  I mean I ate the whole thing, can you believe it? (He also didn’t answer this question either-well not out loud!)”

Scene Three: The Sugary Treat
Audience:  My Husband
When: Every Time we Splurged on Dessert
“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I just ate that! I can feel it going straight to my thighs, arms and stomach. I am NEVER doing that again! (Until next time)”

Scene Four:  The Laundry List
Audience:  My Husband
When:  Often
The laundry list is when I would literally list everything I ate that day to my husband! (I am sure he took great notes!)

  The above scenarios are real encounters between my husband and I for years.  It is embarrassing to admit but also a reminder of who I was then and who I am now.
Before marriage I was broken in the body image category, so once I got married it did not miraculously go away.  Read more about that here.  I had started the healing process years before, but there are many levels to fine tune when it came to my body image.  One of those categories was how I perceived my own body and the effects it had on my marriage.  Many precious years were spent hanging onto an unrealistic and unobtainable body image goal dragging my husband along for the bumpy ride.  This delusional thinking stole lots of joy from our marriage for many years. 

  My husband saw me through the eyes of Christ from the beginning; it was me that never did.  Because I did not see myself as the Lords Bride I was not capable of seeing myself as my husbands beautiful bride for years.  Song of Solomon in the bible is the most intimate Book between a man and a woman.  Solomon esteems his bride in many poetic ways.

Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the young women.

Your cheeks are beautiful with earrings, your neck with strings of jewels.

How beautiful are your feet in sandals, O prince's daughter! The curves of your
Thighs Are like jewels, The work of the hands of a skillful workman. Your navel
is a rounded goblet;  It lacks no blended beverage.  Your waist is a heap of wheat  Set about
with lilies. Your two breasts are like two fawns, Twins of a gazelle.
 Song of Solomon 7: 1-3

 Reading passages from Song of Solomon makes me feel beautiful.  I am reminded of what a healthy relationship looks like between a man and a woman. I can even look at my thighs as jewels-they are rare beauties for my beloved to obsess over, not me!  Jesus calls ALL of us to be healthy and noble women!  We are to take care of our temple.  Noble is an army term, meaning brave.  And to be brave I had to have the guts to start changing.  God has never given me an unrealistic body image, that comes from Satan.  It is easily stirred up by comparing myself to other women and almost always consumes me.  Not any more!

  I brought a heaping mess into our marriage that WAS not my husbands’ job to clean up.  He did a stellar job trying to build me up.  Eventually just like any losing team he got tired of the let down and just stopped trying. Looking back now I can’t even recognize that girl. I am somewhat embarrassed of her behavior but she is a piece of me, a picture of change and from her a victorious battle was won to conquer generational sin. This allows for more “magic” to take place in our marriage-if you know what I mean!  The tools that have help me fight a negative body image are staying in the word, surrounding myself with encouraging women, doing for others, rebuking Satan and repeating that process over and over again.

 Intimacy in the bedroom after image distortion issues is like night and day! I am FAR from perfect, Satan still creeps into the bedroom at times reminding me of how I do not look like a Victoria’s Secret Model. When I rebuke Satan though, Jesus renews my spirit quickly so I can get back to business;) Intimate moments for a long time were more about me being fixated and worried about what MY body “didn’t” look like. It was difficult to give all of me to my husband when half never showed up.  The more I took care of myself, spiritually, physically and emotionally the less I thought about “me!”  And when I wasn’t thinking about me, I could be thinking about my husband more.

 I don’t exactly remember when the tables turned but probably somewhere in between clean eating, having my first baby, being physically active on a regular basis, and seeking the Lord more to fill my cup and not my husband.  I do wish someone sat me down with my newly married self and told me some wise words of everlasting advice so that my journey to get to the place I am today didn’t take as long.  A memo to myself:

Just Married Self,

Please read below 4 Categories to help the spark in your marriage stay lit.

Self-Induced Verbal Abuse

For the LOVE do not verbally abuse your own body in front of your husband by pointing out your shortcomings..  He sees you a certain way already, wonderful and perfectly made.  Every time you point out a body part that you are insecure about, he will start to look at something he never saw in the first place.  It’s like an ice sculptor chipping away at an incredible piece of art but never stopping, eventually there is nothing left.  Our bodies are a gift to our husbands.  If someone were to give you a gift but before handing it over explained every single detail about it including every single flaw would you still want to open it?  Nope!  It makes it sound like trash and not a treasure.

Find a Fo’ Real Friend and a Wise Council

  The Fo’ Real friend is the one who gives you advice with no fluff, she lets you complain about the brownies you just ate but quickly reminds you to grab a HUGE glass of water, grab your running shoes, meets you at the track to get a few laps in and then helps you get a game plan together for the next day.  She has a little less grace and a big grip on reality.  Also seeking a friend or mentor that can give wise council is just as important.   This woman listens and encourages in all the right ways, to help you spiritually go back to Christ, to find scripture to battle any self-image or confidence lacking that is occurring in you and affecting your marriage. A woman with wise council has objectives that are guided by the Holy Spirit. She is a shoulder to cry on, an EAR who listens and speaks with wisdom.  We need both in our lives!  Confide in good friends, let them encourage you and help you become a brave and confident woman.  This kind of a woman is more life giving to others, especially her husband.  She is a Proverbs 31 kind of girl!

Oh Hosanna!

Go to Jesus.  Really!  Seek Him more often.  There are many tools to help keep your mind focused less on you and more on Him.  Utilize Podcasts and just listen to different topics that encourage you.  Crank up the radio and sing!  Join a Bible study.   Read life-giving blogs. Continue to seek; idle time-idle mind-idle hands are a devils handy work!  Be prepared to battle old habits.  Stay inspired!


Rebuke Satan always by speaking outloud and literally saying, “Satan I rebuke you.  Satan you lie.  I am beautiful, every single part of me from the inside out! You will NEVER take that from me.  I rebuke you from my eyes, my mind…etc.”



Below is a practical everyday list of things I did over the years to find confidence in myself.  The more I leaned on the Lord, the more I matured, and the less joy I stole and the more life giving I became to my husband. (I am still a work in progress!)  Just like the Holy Trinity is made of three parts so is our Earthly bodies-Mind, Body and Soul/Spirit.  All three need to find balance.

  1. Eat Healthy “Real” unprocessed foods by avoiding packaged foods and fast food as much as possible
  2. Exercise Regularly-below are some ideas. Remember that heart disease is the number one killer for women. Find that “thing” that makes you move!
    • a.     CampGladiator was a pivotal game changer for me
    • b.     Local Recreation Center-I made forever friends there while focusing on exercise
    • c.     12Minute Athlete, the Woss (TRX) and Pinterest Board -All can be done at home, on the road, in the backyard!
    • d.     BikramYoga was one of the first healing and HARD workouts I did.
    • e.     Running/Walking are always a great option
    • f.      Join a Gym that has TONS of classes and try them ALL out

  3. SLEEP-This is of the utmost importance. Here are the numbers of hours we all need: 

      When I have enough sleep I am more able to accomplish everything else
    5.     More Jesus-  I have NEVER been the quiet time queen, doesn’t mean I don’t continue to strive for that goal but it did mean I had to rely on other things to give me more Jesus.  I started using Pandora a lot more often and finding artist that encourage me through music.  I try to listen better when people talk because Jesus uses others everyday to give me a message or a reminder. I utilize free media like Right Now Media-which is provided through our church.  I also subscribe to daily devotionals like Proverbs31 Ministries.  I follow blogs from other women that keep me inspired such as, Yankee Homestead, Lindsay Leigh Bentley, Jen Wilkin, and so on. 
    4.   Downtime- I had to reevaluate my schedule and season of life.  Being home the majority of the week works best in this season for the kids and me.  I miss seeing friends/making friends but it feels right to not fill my schedule with too much stuff-even the good stuff. 

      FIVE main things, Food, Exercise, Sleep, Jesus and Downtime have helped shape me into a more confident and well-rounded woman.  As  I grow stronger, mentally, physically and spiritually I grow more and more attractive to my husband and not just in the bedroom!  As my focus fell less on myself it made more room for our relationship.  A lack of confidence is like a third wheel lurking around taking up space, so kick it to the curb! 

    “I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine…” Song of Solomon 6:3

    Be Brave,

    Kirsi Ingram

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